Nursing Services

It is stressful to leave your pet, even more so when your family member has a medical condition that requires special care. Pet Caregiver’s registered veterinary technician is experienced with nursing care to help you and your pet be happy and healthy at home.


After Surgery

Did you pet recently have surgery? Pet Caregiver is familiar with all types of post-surgical care. Are you concerned about the surgical site but don’t want to stress your pet or family? Pet Caregiver can come to your home and assess the surgical site to see if a trip to the vet is recommended.


Blood Glucose Monitoring

You know it’s important to regularly have your pets blood glucose checked. Sometimes, you don’t have the time to take them to the vet or they are very stressed at the vet. Pet Caregiver can come into your home to check your pets blood glucose and report the results to your vet.


Physical Therapy

Has your pet been prescribed physical therapy? That can be very demanding on your time and of course, you would do it as prescribed if you could. Let Pet Caregiver come into your home to assist with the physical therapy schedule, as often or little as needed.

Subcutaneous Fluids

Giving your pet subcutaneous fluids (fluids under the skin) can help with quality of life and health. It can also be scary to do it all by yourself. What happens when you need to travel? Pet Caregiver will come into your home to instruct you how to give the fluids. Traveling? Pet Caregiver will come care for your pet and maintain their fluid schedule


Feeding Tube

Having a pet sent home with a feeding tube is a scary and overwhelming experience. Let Pet Caregiver come into your home to help you become comfortable with the care. Pet Caregiver can also provide the feedings should your schedule not allow.